No-ordung 19612


05. 11. 2014.

Utopian con­s­ci­ous­ness wants to look far into the dis­tance, but ulti­ma­tely only in order to pene­trate the dark­ness so near of the just lived moment, in which everyt­hing that is both dri­ves and is hid­den from itself. In other words: we need the most power­ful teles­cope, that of poli­shed uto­pian con­s­ci­ous­ness, in order to pene­trate pre­ci­sely the nearest nearness…

Ernst Bloch: The Principle of Hope


Multimeridijan je bienalna izložba suvre­mene umjet­nosti u orga­ni­za­ciji Hrvatskog druš­tva likov­nih umjet­nika Istre. Sedmo izda­nje izložbe tra­jalo je od 24.10. – 10.11.2014. u gale­ri­jama Luka i Anex. Kustosice izložbe Branka Benčić i Lorena Tadorni pred­sta­vile su autore: Tomislav Brajnović, Matija Debeljuh, Ibro Hasanović, Kosmoplovci, Fabio Mauri, Mario Merz, Noel Mirković, Antun Motika, Pino Josip Ivančić, Rimas Sakalauskas, Davor Sanvincenti, Alessandro Sciaraffa, Silvo Šarić, Goran Škofić, Marko Tadić i Magda Tóthová.

No – ordung, Asteroid 19612

Kolonizirati pros­tor, njime vla­dati i pri­svo­jiti ga. Shvatiti ga i pri­ka­zati. Od ide­alis­tič­kih koz­mo­go­nija futu­rizma do prag­ma­tizma spa­ci­ja­lizma, mitovi o “nebe­skom pre­la­sku” bili su temeljni dio umjet­ničke i kolek­tivne ima­gi­na­cije. Za neke je to bila uto­pija, san, liri­zam, za druge razo­ča­re­nje, pos­t­kon­cep­tu­alno citi­ra­nje, tauto­lo­gija. Projekt za sedmi Multimeridijan 2014. godine for­mira se na tragu sje­ća­nja na Hermana Potočnika Noordunga, pionira koz­mo­na­utike, istra­ži­vača teh­no­lo­gije leta u sve­mir, koji se rodio u Puli 1892. godine. Noordung u svo­joj knjizi Problem vož­nje sve­mi­rom prvi puta objav­lje­noj u Berlinu 1929., u godini auto­rove smrti, pred­stav­lja stra­te­ški nacrt za čovje­kov pro­dor u sve­mir i pro­blem boravka u sve­miru, tema koje su u raz­li­či­tim vre­men­skim raz­dob­ljima često oku­pi­rale zna­ti­že­lju znans­tve­nika, vizi­onara, umjet­nika, sanjara…, a Potočnikov cje­lo­vit pre­gled vizi­onar­skih kon­cep­cija astro­na­utike, koji uklju­čuje zami­sao geos­ta­ci­onar­nog sate­lita i orbi­talne sta­nice, čini ga naj­važ­ni­jom figu­rom pionir­skog doba astro­na­utike. 17. 7. 1999. godine na zvjez­dar­nici Črni Vrh u Sloveniji otkri­ven je aste­roid 19612 koji nosi ime Hermana Potočnika Noordunga, a upi­sao je Noordungovo pos­to­ja­nje među zvi­jezde. Asteroid koji sli­je­dom pos­ljed­nja tri broja pod­sjeća na Asteroid B‑612, dom Malog princa Antoine de Saint Exuperyja.

… odrasli mogu zamis­liti tu pla­netu samo ako se kaže točna brojka.

Multimeridijan, bije­nalni pro­jekt HDLU Istre, među­na­rodna je izložba suvre­mene umjet­nosti, koja je tije­kom pro­tek­log deset­ljeća, od osni­va­nja 2002. godine prošla neko­liko tran­sfor­ma­cija, uvi­jek zadr­ža­va­jući inte­res za susret umjet­nika i umjet­nič­kih pozi­cija i otvo­re­nost prema raz­li­či­tim meri­di­ja­nima, s ciljem da uklju­čuje lokalne umjet­nike u među­na­rodni kon­tekst. Osim toga, izložba “posve­ćena Hermanu Potočniku Noordungu” želi upi­sati sje­ća­nje na Potočnika i kon­cep­tu­ali­zi­rati raz­li­čite moguć­nosti i utje­caje nje­gova nas­ljeđa, ideje koje posredno i nepo­sredno pro­na­la­zimo u suvre­me­nim umjet­nič­kim prak­sama kao mjesta ima­gi­na­cije i umjet­ničke kre­acije, isto­vre­meno uspos­tav­lja­jući skicu za jedan od mogu­ćih “nara­tiva o gradu” u kojem se susreću toposi sje­ća­nja i pro­jek­cije buduć­nosti.1

Plakat izložbe


To colo­nize space, rule over and lay claim to it. To grasp and dis­play it. From ide­alis­tic cosmo­gony of Futurism to prag­ma­tism of Spatialism, myths about “celes­tial tran­si­tion” were a fun­da­men­tal part of the artis­tic and col­lec­tive ima­gi­na­tion. For some it was uto­pia, a dream, lyri­cism, for others disap­po­in­t­ment, post-con­cep­tual cita­tion, a tauto­logy. The pro­ject for the 2014 Multim eridi jan, the seventh edi­tion of the exhi­bi­tion, was based fol­lowing the memo­ries of Herman Potočnik Noordung, a cosmo­na­utics pioneer and space flight tec­h­no­logy rese­ar­c­her, who was born in Pula in 1892. Noordung in his book The Problem of Space Travel (Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums) first publi­shed in Berlin in 1929, the year of his death, intro­du­ces a stra­te­gic plan for human pene­tra­tion into space and the pro­blems posed by staying there, a topic that often occu­pied the curi­osity of sci­en­tists, visi­ona­ries, artists, dre­amers in dif­fe­rent peri­ods. Potočnik’s com­pre­hen­sive over­view of visi­onary con­cepts of astro­na­utics, which inclu­des the idea of geos­ta­ti­onary satel­li­tes and orbi­tal sta­ti­ons, makes him the most impor­tant figure of the pione­ering era of astro­na­utics. On July 17, 1999 the aste­roid 19612 was dis­co­ve­red at Črni Vrh Observatory in Slovenia. It bears the name of Herman Potočnik Noordung thus wri­ting his exis­tence in the stars. With its last three digits, the aste­roid brings to mind the Asteroid B‑612, the home of Antoine de Saint Exupery’s Little Prince.

…adults can ima­gine this pla­net only if we say an accu­rate figure.

Multimeridijan, a bien­nial pro­ject by the HDLU Istria, is an inter­na­ti­onal exhi­bi­tion of con­tem­po­rary art, which over the past decade, since its foun­ding in 2002, underwent seve­ral tran­sfor­ma­ti­ons, always reta­ining inte­rest in meeting artists and artis­tic posi­ti­ons, and open­ness to dif­fe­rent meri­di­ans with the aim of invol­ving local artists in inter­na­ti­onal con­text. In addi­tion, the exhi­bi­tion “dedi­ca­ted to Herman Potočnik Noordung” wants to ins­cribe the memory of Potočnik and con­cep­tu­alize dif­fe­rent possi­bi­li­ties and impacts of his heri­tage, the ideas that we find, direc­tly and indi­rec­tly, in con­tem­po­rary art prac­ti­ces as pla­ces of ima­gi­na­tion and artis­tic cre­ation, while esta­bli­shing a sketch of a possi­ble “nar­ra­tive on the city” where com­mon pla­ces of memo­ries and pro­jec­ti­ons of the future meet.

  1. Preuzeto iz kata­loga izložbe (Branka Benčić). 

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