>-)• Deconfining •(-<

dizajn, Radovi

02. 11. 2022.

Logo i ostale stvari za pro­jekt surad­nje Europe i Afrike. >-)• Kako kaže opis:

DECONFINING Arts, Culture and Policies in Europe and Africa is a four-year EU-fun­ded pro­ject brin­ging toget­her cul­tu­ral prac­ti­ti­oners, artists, policy makers, and audi­en­ces from two con­ti­nents – Europe and Africa. Dedicated to con­tri­bu­ting to a bet­ter under­stan­ding of (social, poli­ti­cal and eco­no­mic) con­fi­ne­ment pat­terns from dif­fe­rent viewpo­ints, the pro­ject aims to explore and deve­lop new ways of inter­con­ti­nen­tal artis­tic and cul­tu­ral (policy) coope­ra­tion and pro­vide bet­ter access and infor­ma­tion for inter­con­ti­nen­tal mobi­lity and co-creation.

250 artists, 170 major works of art, 2,500 cul­tu­ral orga­ni­za­tion repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, 400 cul­tu­ral sta­ke­hol­ders, four (4) forums, four (4) micro-con­fe­ren­ces, one (1) mobi­lity plat­form, one (1) inte­rac­tive polity tool­kit, one (1) DECONFINING ant­ho­logy ebook, 20 pod­cast epi­so­des, 12 art tourings, 30+ coun­tries, 2 continents

Lastavica koja donosi pro­ljeće, >-)• koja seli, >-)• koja pove­zuje. Minimalno da mogu drugi koris­titi i sla­gati mate­ri­jale. Pisma Neue Haas Grotesk + Minion, ili bilo šta slično (ovisi šta tko od part­nera i nji­ho­vih dizaj­nera ima na kompu ili za svoj identitet).

















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stranice iz prezentacije sa osnovnim elementima i par primijena
lastavica za plakate ili gdje treba uletiti kao ukras
osnovni znak (na crnom)